Thursday, November 15, 2012

The "Humane" Society of the United States' Position on Trap Neuter Return (TNR)

The HSUS' Position on Trap Neuter Return (TNR) : The Humane Society of the United States

The first line of this ridiculous position on TNR is that it's a "community-generated problem." Really??!! People dropping off unaltered cats and kittens out in the country to go live "happily ever after" on our farms and properties is "community generated?" I consider that to be irresponsible, selfish and repugnant. Do these same people ever think about coyotes, raccoons, bobcats, dogs, and very large aerial predators like hawks, owls and eagles? Nice fate for some of these cats. Oh, and we do have vehicular traffic, too.

The H$U$ has never liked feral cats and is gnashing their teeth at having to revise even one iota of its previous position on these cats as being "garbage cats" and all should be "euthanized." I put that word in quotes because it's very misused and abused by shelters and organizations. There is nothing "good" about these "deaths" that are done for convenience to rid a community of unsightly animals. In support of that opinion, you can read in that position paper this line:
 While The HSUS strongly recommends that each community works toward the goal of non-lethal management, we realize that euthanasia may be considered as an interim solution where TNR cannot be implemented.
What??!!! All the cat rescues up here by me (upstate NY) are willing and able to create and maintain colonies of cats, will trap for you and show you how to do it, always are in need of fosters and donations for vetting...doing the dirty work this organization wants nothing to do with because it will ultimately mean parting with funds.

The impact on wildlife to which they refer leaves many questions, like exactly what type of wildlife oh geniuses?? If you are referring to wild birds, those ridiculous numbers were imagined by the American Bird Conservancy and hold no credibility. What else can they take out - rabbits, moles, voles, mice, rats...hmmm all the things considered vermin by humans.

Once again, the H$U$ has proved itself to be one who speaks with forked tongue and hasn't really changed their position on feral cats over the last 30 years.

To learn more, and the truth, about feral cats, please start by visiting:

You can learn about how you can help local rescues and even create and maintain a colony if you have some ferals living by you that you didn't know what to do about. Learn about the "barn cat" program.

*NOTE*  If you see cats living wild and happen to note that one of their ears is notched, it means that a group has already vetted them. This means that they've received shots, been tested for disease, and spayed or neutered. It's an identifying mark so they know what cats have been treated.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Whom You Know: MOVERS AND SHAKERS: Betsy Goldman, President and Founder of Friends of Animal Rescue and Television Executive

Whom You Know: MOVERS AND SHAKERS: Betsy Goldman, President and Founder of Friends of Animal Rescue and Television Executive

Betsy Goldman and her rescue are raising funds to help the animals that are looking for new homes and fosters after the closing of Angel's Gate in upstate NY at Delhi. This was a hospice sanctuary that closed its doors after months of investigation and harassment by claims made by an undercover PeTA investigation. I will rant about that in another post, but for now would like folks to reach out and give this rescue and another that is assisting,, a helping hand with donations. Thank you!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

The little brown dog...

On my way to work this morning I came upon a sight,
One that I dread be it day or night.
A dog trotting in the road all by itself,
Looking behind and sideways, maybe scared or seeking help.

I thought about the little brown dog all day today,
I escorted her down a busy, curvy mountain road; you might call her a stray.
She had on a collar but no tags did I see,
No matter what I said she would not come to me.
A nice employee at Stewart's called the sheriff for me,
A nice young officer showed up, a deputy.
A nice woman from a rescue then followed our girl,
Who seemed determined in some way as we watched this unfurl.
The deputy lost her down a hill in tall grass,
He couldn't call animal control and gave him a pass.
She followed the power lines trail as best we could guess,
I wonder where she's going, and I will confess,
That I hope she gets where she's going safe and sound,
And that maybe God will bring her homeward bound.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Gotta Love Those Koreans

How is it that Americans still do not relate the eating of dogs with buying cars that support that culture? Yesterday, I saw one of those H$U$ ribbons that say I Love My Pet...on a Hyundai Santa Fe. That's the second one this week. Do they have no clue or really mean that they LOVE their pets and that they were delicious?!

Is it possible that people who drive Hyundais and KIAs have no clue that they are supporting this barbaric practice by purchasing vehicles whose mother company resides in Seoul, South Korea? Just because they set up a plant here in Alabama doesn't mean the profits aren't going to S. Korea.

I wonder if those Koreans laugh every time they see those ribbons, or anything related to a pet, on one of those cars and think what idiots we are. Who has the last laugh. I guess I could go on about buying Japanese cars and shark finning and The Cove, not to mention Whale Wars. It's all relative.

A group posted on FB - how can we condemn the Koreans for eating dogs since it's just their culture like us eating cows and chickens...oh, really? See my response to that:

Because when you pull a dog's spine out by his tail while he's still alive to get the "benefit" of the dog being at full adrenaline, you've left my planet of sanity and animals RAISED for food, and have become a monster. That's how I condemn those that do this. Dogs, cats, and horses are not domesticated food source animals. It's hypocritical to me, or most likely ignorance, to see H$U$ ribbons that say I Love My Pet stuck to the back of Hyundais and KIAs. Now you see the irony.

The next time someone receives one of those horrible things in the mail from a large organization requesting money to fight to end these barbaric practices, I hope they think about it for a moment and then look out into their driveway and say, "wow, maybe I ought to get rid of that piece of crap and buy American..."